2018-03-13 20:46:33 Djeca su čudo! Naši petaši dobili su zadatak na engleskom napisati rimovane stihove za rap glazbu. U nastavku su svi radovi za čije su objavljivanje njihovi autori dali dozvolu. Čak i uz greškice (koje nisu ispravljene jer su prirodne, dječje i simpatične), jasno je koliko su djeca nadarena i sposobna! Imajte strpljenja dočitati do kraja, tamo Vas čeka poučan sastavak koji je Vito samoinicijativno napisao inspiriran obrađenim tekstom. Uživajte!
A RAP You may think I'm happy You may think I'm sad You may think I'm crazy You may think I'm mad But hang on to your seats And listen right here I'm gonna tell you something That will burn your ears When I was 1 I swam the English Channel When I was 2 I built myself a tunnel When I was 3 I started getting thinner When I was 4 I ate the whole dinner When I was 5 I was in a band playing drums When I was 6 I ate a bag of plums When I was 7 I robbed the bank with my sister When I was 8 I became prime minister When I was 9 I closed down all schools When I was 10 I became the king of the fools So that's what I am That's what I'll be With an L To the O To the R To the I Lorenzo, 5b
A RAP In my house there is a dog and a cat In the three room flat. I got a mouse who's sitting on my nech, And lama who's eating my snack, And I got a brother who's sleeping on my bed. And finally there's my sister who has everything shiny, And my mum who loves everything tidy My dad buyes a ney car And my friend opens a new bar. If you stold my burger I smash you in a cheeseburger!!! Mia, Anđela, Dora, 5b
HIP HOP REP Spiders and ghosts are afraid of me, because I will chatch them and then I will drink coffee. When the hide behind the chair I said it's not fair. They are clever like a bat, he'll get a stupid hat. I will hit them with an axe, and call T-REX. When I chatch you wil cry. ps. please die! Ante, 5b
A RAP There is a skeleton under my bed and he is very dead There is rich vampire with his empire There is a childish shark his skin is dark There is red spider calling me on viber There is white ghost making a tost There is secret pleac In my palac They are all there now waching you. Toni L., 5b
THE STORY There was a little child. He was very greedy. One day the child and his mom went to the mall. He asked: “Mommy, mommy! Can you buy me a Big Mac and a Coke?” Mum didn’t answer, she bought him the good he wanted. When they got out of the mall, they did see a mom and a child sitting next to the wall and mum said: “Let’s give them a little money so they can live.” The kid sey: “Noooooo! They are ugly and they smell.” Mum was very upset and she gave the money to the poor people and leaved. Next day they go to the mall the kid wanted a lego. Mum didn’t respond and continues to walk. The kid repeated but mum didn respond. Kid was angry beacouse he didn’t get the toy he wanted. Mum then said: “Do you remember what did you say when we did see those two poor people?” “Yes” the kid said. The kid knows that he failed. Mum did not punish him or spanked him. She was just upset. The kid promises: “I, Mate; will always give money or food or anything to the poor.” “Good job Mate, you did get and A” teacher said. Vito, 5b |
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