2016-11-11 13:53:57

Pročitajte nesvakidašnji sastavak

Vedran J., učenik 6 razreda, odlučio je s nama podijeliti vrlo duhovit i iznimno kreativan sastavak koji je napisao na engleskom jeziku.

Sastavak donosimo u originalu jer mu simpatične greškice daju dodatnu draž.

My dream job

My dream job is an architect, bicouse I don't need to build stuff only I draw it then get money and I am done.

If I wourk on a really big project I get a whole pile of money for drawing and my father want's to be an architect but he is to old to do that so he want's me to be a architeckt.

If that job  fails then I would be a owner of a casino and I would have millions of dollars for doing nothing. And Stupid people would come and spend money.

Only I wouldn't let droug dealers bicouse they would fight and scare people away.

So that is my dream job.

Vedran J., 6 r.

Osnovna škola "Meje" Split